Parallel Universe | Entry for ART EXPLOSION WEEK 44

Many people have described and imagined alternate worlds, where the order of things as we know them is distorted or has taken a different direction than our reality.

Without going into so much depth, these theories propose that there is a multiverse, where a person can coexist in different worlds, performing similar roles or possessing different personalities and roles in each of his or her existences.

For this reason, for my participation in the ART EXPLOSION #44 contest, where the theme is Rebelion, I have decided to recreate an alternative world, where the human is not exactly in the uspide of the food chain, this universe in comparison to ours is quite crazy, since food has decided to rebel, refusing to be eaten. Only in this scene can we find a piece of meat with a pretty crazy look, a half-eaten apple looking for revenge along with some other fruits and even a roast chicken prepared to puncture our unfortunate human, who is a victim of the wrath of his previous meal.


For this illustration I used the design and drawing software Autodesk Skethbook, where as usual I started making the sketch to give shape to my idea; at first I idealised a scene with rebelling toys, but this was almost a plagiarism of Toy Story, so I decided on an uprising by the food we normally consume, it's time for these oppressed and devoured foodies to take their revenge.

Once the sketch was finished, it was time to better define the lines, implementing a perspective that makes the viewer feel that he is about to be devoured, I had a lot of fun devising this scene, I have taken special attention in the expressions of each character, because in any wave of rebellion, we can see faces full of hate, madness, joy and even pleasure.

Then I started the coloring by choosing a single tone for each area, these tones have a very low saturation, since the scene I have set in a dark place, possibly it is a basement or a hangar, I do not decide about that.

Then it is time to start with the shading, leaving as a medium tone the tone captured above, I have looked for a palette of colors that suit him, both for the darker tones and for the lights, for the latter I have chosen warmer tones, since under our human open a warm fire, which thanks to the fire emits a light between orange and yellow.

It is time to give the shine emitted by the fire, for this I have configured a new layer in the fusion mode "soft light", and I have taken a diffuse brush, passing over each surface that receives this lighting directly, remember that the fruits usually have a texture that refracts the light more easily, thus giving a greater brightness to them.

To finish, I have added the bonfire, to give a little warmth to the feet of the human, I know that the roast chicken has felt quite happy about this; besides, I have added some small details that I had overlooked and of course we cannot forget that where there is a direct light source, there must also be a shadow opposing it.

And so my dear friends I have finished this little illustration, for which I am quite happy, tell me in the comments if you liked it and what else you would add.

Original Drawing@hadley4

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