Hedonaeon - Progress of a painting. An entry to Art Explosion #34: Erotica

Hello, here's Hedonaeon. She is (a personnal variation of) the greek goddess of pleasure, daughter of Eros and Psyche.

This piece was done for @juliakponsford's 34th Art Explosion contest. Thematic was great so I thought I give it a try. So here's my entry! Enjoy!


Like asked, there's a progress report. The artwork is 30 x 21cm (11,8 x 8,2 in) and made with watercolour and various pens on (not so special watercolour) paper 250g.

Rough pencil. The lines for the elements of the visage are barely visible but they are there.

Inking with black ballpoint pen.

Some splats for the textures. Here I used a mix of burnt sienna and ultramarine, plus some orange.

Olive green with burnt sienna plus a little of blue, very diluted to apply a first lavis, then 2 other ones slightly more concentrated to obtain various depth layers.

For the visage, a diluted yellow ochre and crimson red plus burnt sienna for the darker shadowing. Always by successive light layers that need to dry in between. You can also see that I started to cast shadows which straight gives volumes.

Let's have a closer look.

More layers of ink and of watercolour. Also some touch up with white gouache and pens. Notice that the artwork is slightly leaning to make the color accumulate where it is supposed to (actually the dark of the mouth).

A detail.
Hedonaeon detail 1.jpg

And the finishing touch.

Of course, this artwork is for sale, if you interested, contact me through my website!

Thank you for having checked my post!

Don't forget to check my official website for more art! http://www.haedre.com

You can also support me through http://www.patreon.com/haedre

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