Grape is such a fruit which not only contains rich nutrients, but also is an alkaline substance which can stop it before it turns to cancer, and can inhibit spread of malignant cells. So, eating grapes will be very beneficial to the body. From ancient times to the present, it is the treasure of prolonging one's life. As it contains many seeds, and implies fertility and fortune in Chinese painting .
So, today I would like to share with you guys the Chinese painting(Freehand Brushwork Painting)---Grapes.
The Process 过程:
1、Paint the leaves of grapes with light and middle ink.
夏天来了,葡萄叶子长的非常茂盛,郁郁葱葱,在葡萄树下乘凉 会非常的舒适。
2、Paint the branch of it and grapevine.
3、Use a brush to mix color(eosin, blue,rouge) for purple grape and use another brush to mix yellow, blue and light green, bright red for green grapes.
paint purple grapes.
给葡萄调色。用一只毛笔蘸曙红,花青,胭脂,二青调出紫色。用另一只毛笔蘸 藤黄,华青,三绿,朱镖调出绿色。
4、Paint green grapes.
5、Add some light leaves and light green grapes on top. It is done.
Hope you a fruitful life.
Thank you for watching!
My recent chinese painting:
Morning Glory In The Summer (Chinese painting) 牵牛花
Chinese Painting---Bamboo 中国画--竹子
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