I don't know you, but I was utterly disappointed by the movies released in 2016 so far. Let's hope the second half of the year will provide us with some meaningful flicks, better than the dreadful superheroes clogging up the screens recently. Here are what is going to catch my eye in the coming months.

Assassin's creed

Assassin's creed videogame has revolutionized the videogame industry. Will it make its mark in the 7th art with its mix of historical fantasy and science-fiction? Fresh from their mesmerizing and bloody MacBeth, Fassbender and Justin Kurzel are conducting that epic franchise to its first - and maybe not last - episode.

Official release: 21st december 2016


The Canadian director Denis Villeneuve has recently churned out a stupefying series of awesome movies. First came PRISONERS, then SICARIO and now he has decided to cut his teeth into science-fiction with ARRIVAL. Think about INDEPENDANT DAY, without the explosions: humans and aliens are actually here trying to... communicate! and that's proving quite tricky. A welcome addition to a grandiose portfolio from the future director of the sequel to BLADE RUNNERS. 

Official release: December 7th, 2016

The Light between Oceans

Derek Cianfrance proved in Blue Valentine that he has the knack and the balls to deliver glorious tear-jerkers, without remorse, but also without any cheesy side. The ubiquitous Michael Fassbender plays a lighthouse keeper who can't have a child with his wife, when one shores up his little island in a boat, with a dead body. This Biblical premice entices oceans of tears...

Official release: September 2016

American Pastoral

I must say this one has, according to me, the potential to be the biggest turkey in this batch. I have read "American Pastoral" and was really excited to learn about Ewan McGregor adaptation. However, I'm rather dubious. I can't imagine McGregor assuming the role of Seymour Levov. I hope i'm wrong.

Official release: October 28th 2016

Rogue One

Since Disney bought back the rights of the Star Wards franchise to George Lucas, you can expect a regular stream of movies in the Star Wards universe. Here comes the first, directed by Gareth Edwards, about a bunch of regular space cowboys stuck between the Empire and the rebels.

Official release: December 14th 2016

La la land

It's been a few years we don't have an original comedy musical. The last one I can remember is Woody Allen's "Everybody says I love you" at the end of the 90s. Can director of Whiplash resurrect the genre with the help of hearththrob Ryan Gosling?

Official release: September 2016


Before to become director and devote his life to the gods of cinema, Martin Scorsese seriously considered entering into the orders. The career never left him entirely. His whole work is peppered with catholic guilt and christian sacrifice. It's very fitting for him then to direct this movie about a Portuguese monk suspected of apostasy during his mission in Japon in the XVIIth century. 

Official release: January 2017

So, are you looking forward to it as well? Is there any movie I forgot?

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