Chimera Redux: A Brief Explanation

We all need a mulligan sometimes…

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Before I start reposting some items from prior to having a child, I wanted to pop in and give a little update about why I am doing it. For those unfamiliar, Chimera was my senior project for college and is a comic book I created by compiling multiple stories from friends and illustrating each in a different way (check out my previous post for more information). Up until recently, it was only available for print via Blurb, and digitally via Amazon’s Kindle store. I wanted to release it here on Steemit, though, as it’s first public debut.

I should have known better than to do an ongoing series that only posted once a week. It’s incredibly difficult to plan (you can’t edit post links after 7 days) and moves a relatively short story along veeeeery slowly. Beyond that, I overestimated my ability to get back to Steemit so soon after having a child and never completed the post schedule.

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So I am going to start over.

This time, however, I have a new goal of posting 1-2 spreads per day… Starting today. So for anyone that was interested in the book, I apologize for the redundancy. On the bright side, we’ll be caught up within a matter of days, and you’ll get to see the conclusion before the month is out.

Thank you again to everyone for your ongoing patience and support! I have missed the Steemit community and am happy to make a return.

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Enjoy the Comic book!

I love feedback, so if you have any questions, ideas, or requests, make sure to leave a comment below. And, if you need more fun stuff to shove into your eyeballs, hop over and check out my YouTube channel, Chimp Skipper, or my online portfolio.

#art #illustration #comics #comicbooks #drawing #inking #story #indie #independant #selfpublishing

3 columns
2 columns
1 column