Are You a Frustrated Artist? I Got Tips for You!


'Sorry, I Messed Up' | A Self Portrait Photograph.

Artist. You remember someone, right? We all have that one friend who reminds us when art is mentioned. We admire their talent to draw an animal, fruit, landscape, or even a portrait of their mother. At some point, we all probably said “I wanna be like her!”. And I became that friend.

Of course, before I got my degree in Fine Arts I also started from drawing stick figures. I became frustrated as well. I practiced a lot. I wasted a lot of paper. I have a lot of experiences that I thought it might be a good idea to share some tips for you guys.

10. Check on Other People's Art to Get Motivated

Going to museums is not just about learning history. It is also for us to appreciate the beauty of art. Take a look at great artist’s works. Surf the internet for some beautiful paintings. Flip the pages of your artist friend’s sketch pad. In this way, it will inspire and motivate you to do the same thing.

9. Research

Buying art books, surfing the internet, watching video tutorials, and attending art workshops are also essential if you need some tips. With our technology today, it’s really easy to research and trust me, there are plenty of tutorials on the internet.

8. Practice

Practice. Practice. Practice. It’s really important because you are practicing your skills and learning new experiences at the same time. You have to practice as much as you could. I suggest that you keep a visual diary and draw everyday. This could be just one piece of tiny sketch pad that you could bring anywhere. You can draw on your visual diary when you’re in the park, or on a break. You can draw anything from a simple sketch of your TV or your whole apartment. It doesn’t matter as long as you draw everyday.

These are pictures of my visual diary when I was in art school.


Just a motivation text at the front page.



A quick sketch while riding a jeepney.


I know. It sounds annoying to hear that you need to draw everyday. Too tiring. That was my first reaction to it before. But trust me, I really improved A LOT. It was really helpful and you can see that as I flip the pages of my visual diary.




7. Explore Different Techniques


'The Artist' | A Self Portrait Photograph

There are lots of different techniques for different mediums. While practicing, you will actually discover techniques that you are most comfortable of. Don’t be afraid to explore and try out new techniques, styles and mediums.

6. Focus on Your Goal


Photo by Jashiel Dominique

In order to achieve your goal, you have to focus on it. Right. If your goal is to paint a realistic portrait of your girlfriend, then you have to practice drawing human figures realistically. Focus on it, so you would remain motivated.

5. Share Your Art

Go ahead and show your works to your friends. Upload them on social media. Expose yourself. In this way, you would be able to exhibit your talent. It’s really good to hear when someone says your work is beautiful, right?

4. Accept Criticisms

Bring Back The Colors.JPG

'Bring Back the Colors' | A Self Portrait Photograph

When you expose yourself, expect that you will hear criticisms about your work. Whether be it constructive or destructive. The thing is, you have to accept it. If people said the colors are not blended well, treat it as a good thing. Next time you’re making artworks, you will know the part that you need to improve. People will always say bad things if they want to destroy you. Don’t let them. Instead, accept these things and use it as your motivation to improve your work.

3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others


A Lunatic's Lament | A Self Portrait Photograph

Looking at other artists and telling yourself that “My works are ugly. Her works are a lot better. I wish I am her.”. Well, it probably happened to us once in our lifetime. It cannot be avoided. But always remember that you shouldn’t be doing that. Comparing yourself to other people’s achievement will only bring disappointment to your life. You have to remember that you are unique and you are doing things your own way. Again, you have to focus on your goal. Cheer up! You will find your own path.

2. Believe in Yourself

Yes, you can do it. I believe in you. And you should believe in yourself, too.

1. Never Give Up

I know you heard this line countless times! But believe me, you should not give up! I know you will be frustrated because your drawing doesn’t look like your dog at all. Don’t worry, it happened to all of us! The important thing is, don’t give up on art. And it won’t give up on you. Keep on moving forward. That’s where we’re going anyway.


All photos are mine unless stated otherwise.

That's it!
See you next time!

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