Collaborative Art: "Id Drawing" (Part 2 of 4)

Id (noun) the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest.

A close up time lapse of the drawing in progress...

Drawing the id : 4 Artists on 1 Sheet of Paper

Beginning with a blank sheet of paper, the drawing incorporates an equal proportion of space from four artists. In this exercise, the 70cm square sheet was divided into a pencil grid of 3 x 3cm squares. Using the methodology of an architect approaching an empty plot of land, we filled in an equal area of blank space and once complete we rotated positions. The process was repeated 6 times around, as we continuously developed our image of each drawing, playing off of other's unique styles and ideas. As time went on and the drawing evolved, we found ourselves adjusting our individual narratives in order to cooperate with one another's creations.

Here is our second completed "Id drawing" below:
“Id Scale III” is a 70cm x 70cm hand drawing made with pen and ink.

As the paper space was filled in and passed along, an interplay of new thoughts and concepts become realized. The grid-structure allows for borders between your own idea and the next participant, but it also provides the ability to connect and expand on a pre-existing theme. You have the ability to mediate or ignore, expand or contract, allowing the drawing to become a dynamic record of collaborative thinking. By the final turn, the Id becomes an elastic environment, uniquely fused with a sense of textural adaptation and spatial composition.

Zoom detail...

Here's a gif of the four of us rotating seats as we complete the 4 drawings.

Zoom detail…

With this series we aimed to explore a balance between the ambitions of an individual, and the resonances of that individual’s idea within a broader context. Our drawings are structured mechanisms of working between the individual, the collective, and environment which we inhabit - a mediation between an internalized frame of mind, and an externalized frame of context.

Check out “Scale IV” by clicking here… (pictured above!)

This is Part 2 of 4! Stay tuned for the next drawing...

Follow us @hitheryon

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