Refugees and Art - How can we best understand who they are.

Excerpt from Untitled -
Beautiful, cared for, she asks me about my life
Inside is a refugee, living without a homeland
Her questions are numerous, and my heart beat faster
I didn’t know what to tell her; deprivation humiliated me,
They stole my emotions, and left me with my sighs
A hanging lifeless swing, vulnerable... this is who I am
If I speak, I am silenced, and silence is obliviousness.


For more about the poet, follow this link -

This brilliant comic about climate change and Conflict in Syria came up today. Since I discovered Steemit already has a dynamic #refugee tag I decided to share this here.

Today in Boulder, Medicin Sans Frontier also opens their exhibit titled - Forced From Home

I hope some local Steemers have a chance to see this. The weather this week is kind of perfect for an outdoor activity. Hot, but dry. For now, anyway.

At a local museum art space I came across an artist who focused her recent work on creating artistic interpretations in fabric of some of the sad photos of refugees we have seen in the news this past year. I only have a couple to show here.


What I most appreciate is how creative and artistic all of these mediums are for helping to communicate to us, the public, a deeper level of understanding about the world wide refugee situation. One article on Steemit explained that there are a number of UN working groups exploring the block chain as possible means to give refugees more meaningful work. That sounds quite promising. So with that I will end my post. Take a look. @coinpedia/eu-politician-shove-parliament-to-exam-blockchain-individuality-for-refugees


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