I do something that my friend @zetetrahedron369 calls Performance Art and well as a form of divination and magick...

For example: a friend just recently began a new relationship with a wonderful man with whom she is deeply in love. Her friends, however don't like him, and want her to dump him. They say she is too good for him. She asked me to do a drawing for her to show whether the relationship is a positive or negative influence...
Here is the drawing I came up with:

Colored Pencil, 6" x 9"

As I was doing the drawing I received a lot of great information about this man, and the situation. The man is perfect for her even though her “friends” are giving her a hard time- they are jealous.

His left thumb on her left cheek represents strength of will, ability to judge and capability to love. The flower in the upper (stage) left of the picture- is an upright pentagram- meaning both people are placing Spirit as the leader of the 5 elements: Body, Mind, Emotions, Will

...The winged unicorn means his connection to the unconscious- and it is flying left to right- from the unconscious to the conscious...Manifesting from the unconscious...

In alchemy, the Unicorn represents purifying the feminine forces within our being


Within the drawing, I put a Sigil, which is a magical talisman - it states “our love is aligned with God’s will”, which I gave her to color in and hang in the background of her life, to keep the relationship on track.

I did the reading for her Live, on the phone and then also sent her a copy of it.

I create the drawing from a big Squiggle:

I pray and ask God what she needs to know, so she can stop worrying about this situation that she knows in her gut is right.

Then I start to find images in the drawing:

Next, I put in the detail in black ball-point pen.

Then, I add the colored pencil:

At this point, while coloring it in, I saw that the vines are light green, indicating the newness of spring and the newness of their love.

The pentagram flower is purple, spiritual...and realize that it's the Colorado State Flower - a Columbine - which he is a Native to Colorado. Columbine, is also the name of the Goddess of Liberty - and this man is an anarchist who is very powerful in his need for Freedom. He is also an Aquarius.

His left palm up mirrors her right hand down, meaning that they are together to accomplish a peaceful purpose together parallel, in Love, for the Higher Good.

She asked me to do this in a 16" x 20" oil painting to hang in her living room, which I will start after April 9.

I have been doing these drawings-performance art pieces since 2012. I do them live also at Gallery openings in Denver and privately for clients. Here's a link to others I have done.

here's the contest @lilyraabe/art-mix-up-contest-or-deadline-extended-thru-friday

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