In order for there to be any real change - we must change.

This article was inspired by reading an article by someone who was telling people "not to be sheeple". I could see the person's frustration, but I was reminded a little of my frustration with Facebook. If we are going to make real change happen we are going to have to relearn how to learn and how to communicate with each other. For definitely over 50 years, our education system has been taken over by "post-modern" philosophy and outcome based education. No longer do we learn critical thinking in school or Apophatic inquiry, nor logic, nor debate. We don't even learn good manners.

Interestingly, the Dark Luciferians are united against us, but we have no Unity within our groups. We are constantly fighting amongst ourselves, seeing the differences but never the commonalities. Don't you think this is by design?

We must change the way we think of one another and the way we treat each other in the most mundane and in the most complex interactions. This is one way we can fight the Dark Agenda. We have been raised in a hierarchy first with our parents, then our schools, then our jobs, by television and movies and books - we have been brainwashed to treat everyone as if we were the top of the triangle of a hierarchical structure. If we expect the world to be different - we have to BE different. Be horizontal in communication.

I will give you an example. I work with people who are very mainstream. They listen to mainstream media, they participate in sports, they believe that there is an election and that this is a free country. 

Because I believe that I am there for a reason other than simply to work for a paycheck, I have to overlook these glaring defects of character and  figure out a way to interact with these people in a nice way daily and to try to be friendly so that someday I might be able to help some of them to find some awakening to truth. 

In the past I would have thought, I need to get this show on the road - these people are idiots and I need to tell them how it is so they wake the fuck up right now before it is too late!  This approach has not worked for me. It is certainly not appropriate for work, but it is also very difficult to work at a job knowing everything that I know that is going on in the world and to just let people remain ignorant. However, I have found that attracting people to me through my consistant and polite actions is much more likely to make long term changes than telling them what to do or blasting them with scandal and shock.

People get scandal and shock as a tactic of the Dark Luciferians running this world. Instead, I will be more effective if I am simply kind and keep my word. If I work hard and try to be helpful, if I do not gossip and try not to complain too much. These are attractive qualities and very different from the norm so simply practicing these actions will make me stand out from the crowd. People who have the potential of awakening will be attracted to me. Once I have created some credibility with these people, I might be able to help them to see some truth about what is going on or guide them toward self-governence in some tiny way.

I have one friend at work who just can't stop moving. She just recently got to this job about 6 months ago, but she is never satisfied. She is about 60 years old now and she is thinking the east coast will be better. She is not comfortable with herself - so she is seeking greener pastures elsewhere. She and I have become friendly, and I feel compassion for her that she is driven by this incredible sense of dissatisfaction and is still looking outside herself for the answer. Maybe I can help her?

She asked me to do a tattoo on her - and now she is asking me to help her to figure out a tattoo that will help her find her way to the next place, a sort of talisman. I consulted God about this and intuitively realized that this woman is asking me for help - real help which I can give her through kindness and friendship and time. I have been living the principles of natural law for many years and I once was someone who thought that moving away was a good solution to my problems. I have experience with how much of a failure this solution is, especially as you get older. I have an opportunity, through prayer, to receive help for this woman that might impact her decision to move out of the area and on how she looks at her life every day. If I take the time to recognize the opportunity that I have in front of me to really try to help her. 

It is not me that will be helping her really, it will be a spiritual transformation that will be taking place over which I have no power over the outcome. I will be seeking guidance from God and I will act as a channel for God to help her, if we spend some time for a tattoo together - which usually takes about 10 hours with the drawing, the tracing, the outline and then the color work, for a large piece. 

I do not have a religious relationship with the Creator - but I have a personal one by which I live and help others if I can.

This is only one example. In another example, I am part of a group of people which make decisions together and in which we help other people. We use principles of natural law to determine the soundness of our solutions and we use horizontal democratic discussion not unlike consensus but much less formal. As a result of this type of interaction with each other, we have great Unity. We love and respect each other and we help each other. We often have new people join us. Children are welcome in our midst and our way of being together seems to have a calming effect on them. 

It is this kind of interpersonal change that we need as a society to change the system from within. Social Media is fun but it is part of the old system to just shred someone's ideas in a self-righteous fashion. The solution to our situation lies in how we treat each other in the mundanities of everyday life. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you: The Golden Rule applies everywhere

If the Dark Luciferians look at us (and each other) as expendable and only useful for what they can get, in the moment, because they see themselves as having more rights than others because of some social darwinistic perverted point-of-view, then we must see the fallacy in this world view and instead see the good in every single person. Redemption is available for everyone.

This does not mean that in some "New Age" way I see the "good" in people who are supporting narcissistic self-serving ideologies, but rather, that I can stand up for principle, and consider that in standing up, I am "loving others" even if it does not feel good in the moment. By supporting natural law rights of sovereignty, I will most likely seem adversarial in this world, while in fact, I am being the most loving that I can be, by trying to promote freedom. It's not what I say but how I say it. I can try to be kind and courteous.

I have a friend who developed a paper barter currency for his community - he is convinced that a new currency not backed by a private bank is the solution to the system, but when we all got together to discuss a barter currency for our community, one more time there was a hierarchy in the "way" we interacted with one another. Some people were in the "in" crowd and understood barter currency. Others did not. The "in"s were impatient with the "out"s. We used Robert's Rules of Order to conduct the meeting. Robert's Rules, in and of itself, creates a hierarchy. There is the temptation to always succumb to impatience. This is telling. There is no reason to be impatient. Human beings did not create the laws of nature and timing belongs to the Creator , so there is no place for impatience.

At one time I tried to organize a worker cooperative grocery store, right after the 2008 crash. I was unsuccessful because the group were not willing to step up and each be leaders. Each person wanted others to lead them. We would talk to each other in ones and twos about what we wanted to do, but once we got into the group, people were terrified to stand up. Using horizontal governance and natural law principles in a group really helps everyone to have a voice and using good manners is the key.

If we are planning on real change, we must not only change the mechanisms we are using but we must change the machine itself and in addition we must invoke the power of Care in our use of the machine and the mechanisms or all we will do is recreate the same dictatorial system all over again.

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