Artist's diary and how to eat it:) (World of Warcraft, backpacks, teeth of wisdom and all the strange stuff in life in drawing version - how it looks to have a drawing diary instead of writing:)

Artist's diary is an interesting feature to have, I found the idea in the book of creativity development by Natalie Ratkovskiy. In general the idea is pretty simple. You have a separate sketchbook (my experience says that it's better to be mix media paper) where you do a tiny sketch every day, about the most important event of the day (of course only you decide what was really important, may be it's a colorful flower you saw while going to the bakery). 

You have to spend only 5 minutes for the sketch. 10 or 15 is OK too, my limit was 10 minutes. And may be affix to the page some "additional materials" in a second I'll show what I mean). So in general it's like a regular personal diary, but in artistic style. There're no any rules, you do there whatever you wish, but try to do it every day. So, to show what I mean let me share with you some of my pages from the last year.

5 minutes sketch from memory when I first saw WoW movie, done directly after visiting cinema. And this is how I "added some stuff" to the pages:

See? When we went to see the movie there were some stickers and leaflets they gave us for free. So I affixed them to the sheet with the drawing. More examples:

Here I went to abstract expressionism workshop. When you work like Pollack:) It was fantastic, even despite the fact I got really poisoned with paint.

These are from printed graphic festival

Here was a gift from my hubby, at night we went to look at planets and start through really huge telescope.  

This one I made when my last tooth of wisdom was deleted. In the left top corner is my X-ray, ha-ha:)

This one was made when I bought a new backpack for lain air. And fixed in the corned the shop contacts for both cases: if I'll like it (to order again ext time), or if I will not (to never buy from them again:)

After the Suicide Squad movie again, it was lots of stickers to take for free for my diary:)

And from the visiting theater. A woman who set next to me was smelling... And had a pack of REALLY smelling food. It was awful...

So I think I already made my point. I highly recommend to try such diary yourself, it's so much fun creating, and looking through the pages afterwards. See you in the next post, have a wonderful day:)

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Love, Inber

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