Creature anatomy - my first task, and the original art with human-lizard. You call it a reptilian?;) (all preparatory sketches inside, and the full version too:)

Today I continued working with the first task on my creature anatomy classes. I began it last night, with refreshing human anatomy, and now I continue with mixing human and... anyone who has 4 paws, and my choice was a lizard;)

This one I cropped for the preview, so it could fit the preview bar. The whole drawing is bigger and will be shown in the end of the post.

So:) In the task I had to refresh human anatomy first, then anatomy of the creature I chose for the "cross breed", then create preparation sketches, and the final sketch in color. 

And here we go with a lizard and half-lizard creatures:

And the cross between them, half lizard, half human.

Rough share, line art and choosing colors. And the final sketch with color and texture:)

This was my first attempt. I wonder how the repeat of this task will look in the end of course;) If you also want to take the course you can find it here, creature anatomy with  Terryl Whitlatch;)

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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