Jellyfishes original at collection and some morning thoughts writing

Hi, guys!

I can't believe that my first calligraphy diploma is finished, and I have access to my laptop again, and I can have some rest after instant creating and writing. It was a really hard week, but results worthed it. Now I can spend some time with my favorite book, having nice vanilla tea. 

During this week of instant work I almost forgot about everything - housekeeping, having rest, eating normally and the worse - about my training schedule. My back reminds me that I'm missing gym on day two. And now a week has passes, and my shoulders are like made of stone. Need to fix that quick if I want to have some drawing practice this week.

But in general I'm happy about my calligraphy classes. I still have two more to finish, but one of them is quite lazy (or I'm lazy about it), and the second one hadn't started yet. I expect it to get started in two weeks. I hope till that time my second class will be already finished, and I will have more possibilities for some rest between the tasks.

Anyway, this week also promises to be quite saturated. Today I have to bring my head to my psychiatrist, tomorrow I have the last class on the first course (fractur calligraphy), and on the day after tomorrow I'm about to have a photo session (if the weather will be nice to me). So - almost no time to relax, but I'll try anyway. Until then - how about the whole collection of my jellyfishes? Old and new ones?:)

Love, Inber

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