Living in an underwater world - total chaos in my house:)

My house totally transformed to a chaos. Hate when it happens, but never can prevent. First of all - I'm already jealous to fishes in my tank:)

While the only way I can enjoy water and washing - looking at my fishes and looking on this stained glass imitation picture I made a couple of months ago.

No hot water, pipes changing. It's our national tradition - to make everything as slow as possible. So no hot water till OCTOBER. 

Why don't you buy the boiler you may ask? Cause I have absolutely no space in my bathroom where to put it. Tiny kitchen, tiny bathroom. So I suffer a lot from it, and will suffer for three months more.

Also at the moment I make a lot of changes in my workshop, and have no normal light to make the shots process for you guys. Not even mentioning the fact that I'm totally exhausted, my creative flow is super weak, and no hot water in my house only makes things worse.

But you know what's hot? The damn weather. I already thought that we're going to have a nice rainy summer here, but seems like I never was that wrong. 33 degrees! I even can't take my dog for a walk, cause her little paws will hurt if they tough the ground:(

So at the moment I look at the refrigerator as the only comfortable place. 

Nearly forgot about the sink! If to make a complaining post - let me complain on everything. Well, it's a scary movie. I bought a new sink to replace the old one, and despite the fact that I measured everything carefully it doesn't fit. 50 millimeters - but anyway. So we already have a panorama of the civil war in our bathroom for nearly a week, with no sink and pines out.

Wish me luck, I already can't handle this all. I just hope it'll rain tomorrow:) 

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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