My first week of creatures anatomy classes from the creator of creatures concepts for Star Wars - general review:)

My first week of creatures anatomy classes on schoolism in now finished (since it's Saturday, yep...), and here I want to share my thoughts and impressions about it:)

I would like to remind that you can find the class here. It's on-line, no need to go anyway from your home (for introverts like me it really is important, huh:). The teacher is a really nice woman who also created creatures concept art for Star Wars  - so obviously I could not resist her charisma:)

First of all I must admit that it's not a class that teaches you how to draw. To take it you must already know how. There are nine lectures, each f them includes from 5 to 10 small lectures, usually total duration is about 1 hour. You listen to them, watch how different real life animals look like (in anatomy structure), she explains all "why". 

Then in the last video you get an assignment that you must do. Usually is' s a study illustration of two real life creatures, and them you have to create a hybrid based on their anatomy, it's skeleton and muscular structure, and label them all.

To tell the truth I don't label much. I'm not an English speaker after all, plus there're two options for the study. You can do it with teacher's support (expensive), or without it (cheap one). I took the second option, not only because of money, but also because I know that I personally have a tendency to get tired from the subject and need a rest from it (which happen in the end of this week). So my endings of my classes with support are usually wasted.

Would I recommend the class? Both: yes and no. No - because in fact it's nothing about drawing, it's only about technical part of anatomy. I'd prefer to have both. And yes just because without anatomy you can't go anywhere further:)

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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