Old funny graphic art (my lever at the very beginning of drawing - and an encouraging writing for the beginners:)

In every profession in the very beginning you're... Well, a beginner:) When a young "future lawyer" just begins his study at the university no one expects him to win the process in the trial on the next day. When the future doctor comes to his first lecture in the medical university no one expects him to make an operation on brain.

But for some reason rules of game for the artists is considered different:) (Urrrgh, big urrrgh...)

When I started creating art I was bad at it, really bad. In fact I already was 25, and never drew before in my whole life.  So no surprise that at first I had to study a lot.

But a lot of people (believe me, really A LOT f them) think that ability to draw is something supernatural. And you either have it, or you don't. And they say "Great talent" when see art of a person who studied for yeas to reach his/her level. While in fact - and again, believe me - sometimes it sound even offensive, cause such phrases depreciate all the efforts an artist put in his study.

Or the other side of medal. You do your first, fifth, tenth, or hundredth (it's still not much) drawing - and someone feels confident in himself enough to say "It's not what you should do. You probably have no talent".

It was exactly what I heard about my first portraits. "Drawing people is not yours". Of course, from people who have never put any effort in drawing at all. Good that I was wise enough to not listen:)

So today I want to share some of my really old art, when I was just at the beginning of my way. Everyone starts with something little, and not really good looking. But there's always space to improve!:)

My very first watercolor. See - it has nothing to do with the ones I do now. For my english readers the sign says "If you spit against the wind in the mountains - you can get a icicle in the forehead".

Study of how to put strokes with pencil.

And more.

And more.

And more, and 200 more. Endless practice. If there are some beginner artists reading me at the moment - guys, you will do everything:) Just listen only to yourself (and other artists who give constructive critique, not just "It's bad, I don't like it").

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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