Scull study sketches: watercolor and graphite

Time to time I return to anatomy sketching to keep myself in shape

When I went to art courses it took me a lot of effort to draw my first scull from gypsum model. I yet was really weak in building proportions, s I tried over and over again util something good appeared.

It's also important that different races have their own features in sculls. My first scull was Asian, by the way, but I knew it only because my teacher told me.

Later I bought my own model to practice at home. It's still with me, and since it was transported to my home in Hewlett Packard package we call him Hewlett;)

I remember when we were drawing it on art classes a random woman came and asked:

-Doesn't it come to you in nightmares?

Why should it? Definitely no:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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