Steemit Dragon art - Work in Process

Hi guys;) 

I finally switched to the dragons, and decided to open the series of dragons drawings with a very special blue Steemit dragon. Kind and good mannered one:)

Here's the work in process, it's still not finished. Why? Cause it's damn hot in the city. I mean it, I mean that hot that I can't use my Cintiq drawing tool normally, cause it heats a lo and I just fear to spoil it already. So I had to switch it off without finishing this art. I promise I'll finish it when the first rain will come and cool this crazy city a bit:)

So, this is how he looks at the moment. Still so much to do. But I fixed some process, as usual:)

See you. guys:) Please fingers crossed for the HUGE rain:)

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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