I Wanna Be a Big Kid 🌀 When You're Bored At Work p.4

Who doesn't look up to someone else?!

Here is my co-worker's 4th model truck. I gave him something like 10 ideas for other moveable models, but I guess he likes trucks! I said, make anything else! A steamboat, something! But this one is his best so far though.

It goes really high, and again I didn't want to put the forks all the way up. It was hard to get them to stay there without propping them up anyways.

He made the safety screen in front, and the bars above. And a few dashboard displays!

It opens up to show some of its inner workings. Or, some version of them anyways!

To take out the battery for maintenance checks, he made a roller stand. Pretty nice detail!

Of course the battery is also removable, with a specialized block plug-in connector.

And now for a little inspiration... "Here's how you lift 2300 lbs."

"I think I can, I think I can!"

"Err, ok... I'm still small... But I'll try and try again!"

"I'll Never Quit!"

Thanks For Your Attention and Support!

Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit

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