Perth's Cultural Centre
A few days ago I came across a post by @lymepoet called STREET ART IN MONTREAL. It got me thinking about our trip to Penang and the wonderful street art they have there. This must of triggered something in my brain for the very next day I was running late to a work meeting in the city and I noticed all this wonderful street art right in my own backyard.
Just over an hour later on my walk back to the train, I decided to take a moment to snap some of the things I saw along the way to share with you all. As you exit the Perth train station heading North you will be greeted by this quote from My Mind by Alf Taylor.
My mind is so free. I can be what I want to be. No obstacle too strong. No road too long. In my mind I can do no wrong.
Just past the Art Gallery of WA, there are some beautiful natural wetland gardens with a hidden sphere, its set out a little like an amphitheatre with a few coffee shops and cafes within walking distance, so that many can sit and enjoy their surroundings during their breaks.
Once you past Francis St onto Museum St the whole street becomes awash with colour and if you look to your right you will see a man looking rather impressed with himself.
Unfortunately, not everyone is great at street art and really should leave it to the professionals. I really don't like graffiti when there is no art behind it. Especially on such a beautiful old building that has lost his way.
I had to laugh as I turned the corner to see these cute little "Baby Yaga Houses" at the TAFE. I instantly thought of baby chickens and was pleased to find the one on his lonesome with the artist's details and information.
Baba Yaga the witch and her chicken-legged houses are traditional fairytale characters that have been adapted and included in different children's tales around the world. Marwa Falmy - Created 2012
This collaborative piece by a lecturer and his students highlights a traditional Noongar family, for more information click on the image to enlarge and read the details.
I have to say that I love this piece the most, maybe because I am a colours person, maybe because of the fun nature of the art, either way, it made me smile and it was the only one I ventured off my path to get a good shot.
Finally, what is art for? Ask a pigeon and they will just stare while pooping but so long as their not pooping on you, I guess its a win. Thanks for taking a walk through the Perth cultural centre, it's amazing what you can see in your own backyard when you look up. There is loads more to see too but I wouldn't want to spoil all the fun.
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