Creating childhood memories Part 2. My book is coming alive!

Big steps taken!
After introducing you to my Idea last week and all those kind comments motivating me, I am here with the second part of my little project and want to share my progress with all of you.

When I remember one week ago, I had no idea how much effort I will put in this project, but I spent the last days drawing for hours and figuring out how to work with Photoshop and Illustrator.
Because I am nearly new to those programs, I thought myself so much this week and that is one big reason why I’m having so much fun doing this!

I made huge steps forward and both the outlines of the story and the illustrations for the first pages are done!
The pictures at the bottom of my post are going to be the first pages of the book. Each picture will have a blank page with the text next to it and was created with a lot of love and effort.

Since a few weeks, all the colors were fading slowly. It is getting darker and darker and the little Islands are floating in an unearthly dimmed light. At the place where most of the crystal islands used to float, a field of boulders and stones was left. Since the Crystals were used to produce the light and were responsible for the growth of the plants, the little farmer stood in front of his field, that began to decay.
Wondering what caused the disappearing of the crystal islands, he left his home to ask the princess for help. As he arrived, the princess opened the door deeply grieved. Everything around her was dying, also her so beloved tree.
The farmer fell in love at first sight and so he decided to solve the mystery, to win the princess heart and to save his fields and the princess’ tree.
After days of flying through all sorts of landscapes, he finally perceived a weak blue glowing at the horizon. As he came closer to the light, he spotted an enormous island with a very unnatural texture far away. But suddenly he freezes with shock, realizing a gigantic dragon was lying on a pile of crystals, asleep like a rock, right in front of him. The sound he made was so terrifying, the farmer wasn’t able to move for a moment….
To be continued 😊

(The princess and the farmer)

(The farmer on his way to the princess, guided by his flying friend)

(the slowly decaying field of the farmer)

Next steps and your opinion:
I need a little help, how I go on with my project. At first, I only wanted to do this for myself, but I really like what came out so far and now I am considering if my book has the potential to be printed!
What do you think?
I also thought about kickstarting it, but I have no experience with this so far, so I would be happy if someone could tell me something about it, who has founded a project over Kickstarter before 😊
The next days I will spend drawing and coloring everything and working out the story in all details.
Do you like it so far?
Would you buy a book like that for your children?
I am happy for every suggestion and constructive criticism 😊

Thanks to everyone for reading, it means a lot to me! Have a beautiful day!

Ps: What do you think about my banner I just created? 😊


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