Office Art in My Office - Thanks to @mariandavp


Counting Stars Over Lisbon

Recently I was gifted a brilliant piece of art from a wonderful STEEM-friend and amazing artist: @mariandavp

It was #2 of 20 STEEM-Fest specials @mariandavp plans to create. The liquid rewards from her posts will be going to @t-r-f (Travel Re- Imbursement Fund) which aims to help STEEMians financially with their journey to and from STEEMFest.

STEEMFest will be held in Lisbon, Portugal this November and I definitely plan to be there. Check out the STEEMFest 2 announcement from @roelandp: @roelandp/save-the-date-steemfest-2017-creamy-and-delicious-1-2-3-4-5-november-lisbon

When I first saw this drawing I was stunned. She called it "Counting Stars Over Lisbon" and it showed a dreamy landscape with a tight-knit city overlooking the Tagus River.
Check out the Process Shots by @mariandavp


@mariandavp made this drawing using pens, highlighters and markers. As you can see, she is incredibly talented. The colors are vibrant and the stars reminded me of work by Vincent van Gogh. I told her that I would love to hang it in my office so that I can see it everyday and look forward to the trip!

Before I knew it, I had a notice from the postal service. A package from Greece was delivered when I was away and I needed to go pick it up at the Post Office. At this point I was very excited. I love receiving mail (especially from distant lands!).


The Dilemma

When I got to the Post Office I was given the package with a sticker that read "Received Damaged: Possibly". I could hear the pieces of shattered glass clanking around inside. I was devastated at first because I thought the glass particles would damage the artwork.


Upon opening the package I saw the shattered frame but the artwork was thankfully pristine! The postal workers must've mishandled the the package during the shipping process. I immediately put the picture away in a safe place.


The Resolution

I ordered a new frame on Amazon. It arrived in just a couple days and matched the drawing beautifully. The frame was made of walnut and was a perfect accent to the art. I was very excited to bring it to work and hang it on my office wall (it was office art after all!).


Below is a picture of where it now hangs. Directly across from my desk at work. Looking me in the eye as I type this. The more I see it everyday, the more excited I get for November. STEEMFest 2 is going to be an amazing time. I hope you all consider making the trip!


Thank you so much @mariandavp for this generous gift. It is by far the coolest part of my office!

Check out more of @mariandavp's awesome content: @mariandavp

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