Hand Made Christmas Cards all over the place

Helllooooooo fair steemians and steemiennes!

I thought I'd kick this off by posting some of my most recent creations so you'd get a picture of "my brand of art" I suppose.
I have a loooot of art to show you guys so I'd better get started.

But first, maybe a bit of story time.

So, at work, we're essentially a bunch of geeky creatives and artists, some more technically inclined, some from a traditional art background. Those among us who also enjoy the "traditional arts" as well as the 3D work we do on a day to day basis (eg those who can draw) have been more or less emphatically been nudged into "Birthday Card Duty".

Basically, they do this lovely thing at my office when one of us has a birthday coming up, one of the designated birthday card minions is tasked with doing a hand-drawn birthday card which is then passed around and scribbled on as well as signed by the entire team, to be handed over to the birthday kid on the following Friday at beer-o-clock (best part of the week if you ask me).

I got to do one for a colleague who also happened to be a really good friend, so I put a little more effort and thought into it than usually.

here it is:


The Birthday-kid in question was so happy about the card it gave me all the best kind of warm and fuzzies which sparked an idea in me. A friend of mine was doing Christmas cards for all his family and me being a notorious non-gift giver (as in I never get anything for anyone, it's pretty terrible) I thought:

hey, I could do that... I love drawing anyway and it would be nice to have a little something for my friends and family for a change.

So for the first time in forever (no Disney-reference intended), I did.

here are the results. I hope you enjoy them. :D












VoilĂ !
I'm hoping I'll manage to make this a tradition because I put some irresistibly huge smiles on some of my loved ones faces. I think I'm starting to "get" this whole gift giving is a gift in itself thing...
Well, better late than never.

In case you are interested in the process:
All of these were done on mixed media paper,
lightly sketched first
then rendered in a mixture of fine liner,
gorgeous coloured inks applied with a brush,
Caran D'Ache coloured pencils,
a very red brush pen,
and shit tons of fine gold glitter on top (that went absolutely everywhere), which unfortunately you can't see in most of the straight on Photos.

Have a lovely day my peeps,
until the next time. <3

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