Original Artwork - Contest Entry for @techslut Avatar

But of course I'm late. sigh~

Soooooo @techslut was holding a contest for her new Avatar and from time to time I enjoy a bit of a "prompt" for my drawings so I decided to do it.

Hadn't realised though, that she'd given a time limit of only a week and we were already like 2 days in when I realised, and then I was also on my way from Vienna, Austria back to Montreal, Canada and with being on the road for over 24 hours and then the time zone difference, and I don't even know what else- well, long story short:

I'm a day late.

arrrgh~~ !

AaaAaAaanyhow, here it is.
Hope you like. ;) I'm rather fond of it myself, if I may say so. There's some contrast and value issues here and there, but ahhh well. shrug. I'm still learning.


aaand here's a detail crop:
Untitled_Artwork detail.png

For those interested, I created this completely digitally on an IpadPro + Apple Pencil with the fantastic app Procreate.

I'm wondering btw if offering my services as an Illustrator over Steemit might not be a valid idea. Maybe small things in exchange for some SBD. hmmmmm...

What do you guys think?
Is there a potential clientele for Illustration Commissions on this platform you reckon?
And how do you think I should go about offering my services?
I'm really interested in your opinions.

Also would you be interested in seeing Time Lapses of some of my art?
Procreate has this really cool time lapse thing going, and you can export them very easily.
Let me know if you'd like to see something like that.

Cheerio my friends,

Until the next time~

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