Hi there Steemians,
It is time to share with you the first part of Chapter 3.
You'll certainly notice a change in style for this new episode.
Indeed, I went all digital from that point on. A one man band.
Using a mini Ipad from the thumbnails to the shading.
And even text, can you believe it. ;-)
Now let's switch back to our "happy" three as they figure out solutions to save the youg David.
To be continued...
The rest of it coming up on Monday night.
Thanks for all the support and the participation.
You guys rock! I'm really loving the vibe around here.
This motivated me to share more and more.
Quickly becoming a Steemit junkie! ;-)
Anyway, Hope you enjoyed that part. Let me know in the comments below.
Feel free to follow me to keep up to date with the comic.
See you on the other side,