Art Explosion Week 28 Winners! The theme was MELANCHOLY!

We are closing week 28 of ART EXPLOSION, the theme was MELANCHOLY. We had a whopping 77 entries this week and @vachemorte and I have chosen 8 winners!

This contest has started to grow beyond my expectations so I will be instituting some new rules for the coming rounds so please make sure to read these at the bottom of the post! Now onto the winners :)

In first place this week is @steemotion, who true to his name made some beautiful moving art!
Prize: 7 Steem



In second place is this charcoal portrait by @ankapolo, there is something deeply sad about the look in her eyes that drew us both to it!
Prize: 5 Steem


In third place this week is @adelepazani for this interesting piece about sadness and depression:
Prize: 3 Steem


We have 5 mentions this week who will get 2 Steem each:











We congratulate all the winners and want to thank each and every one of you for entering! The creative minds of Steemit continue to impress us! The next theme will be going tomorrow and payments will be arriving shortly!

Note about new rules

As I mentioned above we are getting unprecedented amounts of entries lately. I have always been proud that we accepted all typed of art but I think it's time for the scope to be narrowed!

  • We will no longer be accepting writing only, there are plenty of writing contests on Steemit so I feel like this won't be detrimental to the writing community here at all.

  • Secondly we want to reinforce the new art rule. Please include at least a few process images, if you make paintings, illustrations or collages (digital/traditional) please include a few process steps, it doesn't have to be all of them but just a few steps would be nice. If you are a photographer please write art explosion on a piece of paper on set to show us this is current, or if you have a better idea I'm open to it :) Music is a little more tricky but showing your composition in your DAW could be useful, or saying art explosion if it is a live performance. Failure to do anything at all to show that this is new art will disqualify you from winning so please keep this in mind when creating your post!

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