Art Explosion Week 33 Winners! The theme was SURREAL, the entries were beautiful madness!

We are closing week 33 of ART EXPLOSION, the theme this week was SURREAL. This is one of my favorite genres and the entries this week blew us away, they were beautifully dreamy and wild! We had a ridiculously hard time choosing the top winners as we had 25-30 open as our favorites and the process of elimination was physically painful :) I want to thank everyone who entered as the creativity is always so inspiring and makes me remember why I do these contests!

Our top winner this week is @artizm for this mind bending peg legged beauty, she wins 8 Steem!

In second place this week is @isakost! This image was so striking, they win 4 Steem!


In third place is @johnfist for this amazing marker piece called A Matter of Perspective, he wins 3 Steem!


We have 5 mentions this week who will get 2 Steem each:











We congratulate all the winners and want to thank each and every one of you for entering! The creative minds of Steemit continue to impress us! The next theme will be going tomorrow and payments will be arriving shortly!

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