Art Explosion Week 8 Winners! The theme was motion and the entries were beautiful!

Thank you artists for all the beautiful entries in ART EXPLOSION! Last week was week 8 (already wow?) and the theme was motion. We were not only looking for amazing art but work that kept the theme in mind and showed it in a unique way! @vachemorte and I did the judging last night and here are our top picks!

Our top winner this week was @yusaymon! Congrats! He painted this beautifully colourful hummingbird and what could encapsulate motion better than a hummingbird? He also made a speedy video showing his process which you can watch in the link below, @yusaymon gets a prize of 10sbd!


Number two this week is @mikekenlytungal for these "3 Dancing Ballerinas"! The line work in this drawing is so flowing and loose and respects the theme very well. @mikekenlytungal gets a prize of 4 sbd!


Our number three winner this week is @buckydurddle for his violin piece titled "Julia's Jig". Bucky'S clever video editing displayed motion beautifully. Bucky wins 3 sbd!


This week we have four honourable mentions that get 2 sbd each! In no particular order:









We thank you all for the time, effort and passion that go into your entries and appreciate each and every one of them. The next contest post will be going up later today and payments will be arriving momentarily :)


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