Cave of Forever /// My entry for the collaborative art journey hosted by @everlove

The image given by @everlove for the collaborativeartjourney this week was quite abstract as usual (you can see it at the bottom of the post). After tweaking it and playing around with multiple layers and distortions this is what I ended up with:

Project 114-02-03.jpeg

If you ask me what it is I'll have a hard time answering, as usual I didn't plan this, it emerged on it's own. If you forced me to answer I'd say it's a meditating being of light in a cave, perhaps a healer or witch doctor.

I made various versions of the image and complied them into a small animation:


I'd like to thank @everlove once again for the fun collaboration, having had quite a hectic week it was fun to have some freeform art time with no limitations, and as usual the result is a bit out of the box for me:)

Join the journey here: @everlove/invitation-collaborative-art-journey-slice-of-forever-no-29-this-is-your-invitation-to-collaborate-whatever-your-expression

The original image:



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