Wrinkle in time /// Original Art, energy blobs and Isaac Asimov for the collaborative art journey

Once again @everlove has offered us a beautiful image to collaborate with, the title of the image this week was Wrinkle in Time, here is my final image:


When I heard this title I started thinking about the many sci-fi books I read. One of my favourite sci-fi authors is Isaac Asimov and I recalled a book I read by him called The Gods Themselves. It's been quite some time since I read this book but I recall some scientists discovered another dimension and the beings on the other side were blobs of energy that fed off the sun, somewhat like plants. I highly recommend this book and I actually now want to read it again!

The cover of the copy I had is pretty cool too!

So here I was thinking of this theme and book and I decided to try to depict these beings but ended up adding a very human face. Hmmm, drawing blobs of energy isn't that easy.

Here are a few steps of the process.

This is the original image, I took this and inverted it as a starting point:


Next I painted this face, there seemed to naturally be an empty space for it.

I then rotaated the image and cleaned up and played with the layers just a tad. I found the colours slightly dull so after this I took it to a photo editing software and made some adjustments and the final result as you can see is the first image :)

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