🎨 Mystery Forest girl/ ArtExplosion 37 - Mystery

Once again I was drawn into participating ArtExplosion contest. And again @juliakponsford and @vachemorte came up with great subject that can be interpreted in so many ways.
This time I decided to step out of my comfort zone of hand drawings and play a bit with BeFunky online free editor that is simple one but it can make great stuff.

Idea was to make combination of original drawing of Lady of the forest and some photos I took lately near river bank during walks.


So I took image of drawing made with watercolor and inks


and with some flips and adding layer of photos


Edited images than were put into grid and edited more until final result.


When you say mystery, first picture that comes into my mind is perfume made by house of Rochas that stopped being produced during 90 and was my favorite. Second thing that I hear is this song that can very well go with digital collage I made for this contest

Enjoy music and hope you will enjoy also Mystery Forest Girl collage.

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