Queen Thyra

Yesterday evening I made the last queen, as I had called the Mythological Queens from my two last posts a series and only had two. Two is not a series but three is! Queen Thyra is actually not a mythological Queen, but the first know historic queen of my country, Denmark. But only very little is known about her. She was the mother of Harald Bluetooth (from whom the wireless technology is named), and she was the master-planner behind a great wall called Dannevirke which was meant to protect the realm against the southern barbarians (Germans). Her grave is in the city of Jellinge, then the capitol of Denmark, now just a small town.

There is no high res file this time, and the image is not CC licened... yet. I plan to post it on my Diaspora-page if somebody want to check my Katharsisdrill identity. (strange with all the Plagiarism. That's what money do to people :) Then it will be CC.

The image is made with Krita my favorite Linux drawing application,

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