Hi hello to the entire Steemit community and artists in general!

This is my first entry to the ART EXPLOSION WEEK contest hosted by @juliakponsford, whose theme this week is: DEVIANCE.


In sociology Deviance is described as the consensus on social norms, acts and behaviors that deviate from these and the system of social control built to avoid such deviations.

In conclusion I can add that one of the things most criticized by society (at least those of the old school) is the fact that many young people have addictions such as cigarettes, alcohol. The tattoos.
Many of these boys take paths deviating from their goals and values ​​taught by their Families.

This subject I liked a lot because I as a tattoo artist live this day by day, I see how the taboo of society criticizes my work and those who trust me with their body to express my talent.

For some this is a theme of deviation, for others it is the most beautiful art they can see. As it is for me.

I decided to draw this punk boy as an example of Deviance. and this was the process:

Illustrate your face with a distracted expression. her haircut is very punk, I put her big earrings. I defined the short hair with small strokes.

His hair were dark and strong strokes from the root to the middle, lighter at the end of the hair, I wanted to give it a different tone!

Illustrate your right arm with a cigarette, darker since it is in the farthest part and with less reception of light. I began to make tattoos on his chest and blending them to give tattoo effects and not an overexposed drawing. This technique I have done before in my other daws.

Above the tattoo, make the shadows and volumes of the body so that if they are part of it and maintain the same direction and perspective.

The smoke is made with graphite powder. I took a silk handkerchief and with my finger I created the effect. I adjusted her hair a bit because it seemed to me that it did not fit with the size of his head and that was the result.

Thank you very much for visiting my post. I also want to thank @juliakponsford for this great contest!

Leave me your comment if you have any suggestion or opinion! For me it is very important ;)
Until next time!


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