Creature Creation

I spend a lot of time reviewing comic book art on my blog, so it might make sense to you, that I draw comic style art and have ever since I was a young child. This is all original art by KidSysco and I will break down each piece giving some insight into the creation process. Everything in this post is Copyrighted by KidSysco.


This image depicts Gimme, a neutral alien, who answers to only to those with items of great value. Gimme has connections all across space and time, so his help is often needed by nearly all factions.

Initial Sketching

It actually took several attempts and re-iterations in the sketchbook to come up with Gimme's head. Many of the early revisions were terrible, some were neat but very stereo-typical of a lizard-based alien. Some of them were just too wicked and evil looking, while others just looked too much like a lizard. I eventually formed a unique, stylized, believable character design that fit Gimme's neutral role.

The Outline

The outline on this one stayed fairly true to it's initial sketching form. That is probably due to the number of iterations in coming up with the design.


Painting the character in Photoshop was fairly straight forward as well. The biggest decision here was choosing colors. He looked cool in blue, but I feel it took away from his Lizard characteristics. So I went with green.

Please keep in mind that all of this art is copyrighted by KidSysco and Evil Bit Entertainment. This art may not be used anywhere else for any reason.

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