Traditional art - acrylic on cardboard - stages of work

I painted this face with traditional techniques. This is a completely imaginary face. Paint a face invented the painting makes it more personal. This is a very important exercise in style. the result will not be realistic but this can be an advantage.


  • I drew with charcoal and black acrylic.
  • then I started to paint with one color: ocher.
  • Finally I used red clay.
  • the background is a mixture of red, ocher and blue clear.

I have defined the areas to be coated with dashed charcoal .
I prefer the hatch to the smooth shaded. It's much more expressive.

I never thought that painting should be neat and tidy.
I'm always looking for the natural and spontaneous effect.

I never paint the background with a completely detached color.
I make clearer mixtures or darker colors that I used for the figure.
The final image appears hit from the side by light
for this reason I have called this painting Light-man



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