Traditional art - Red acrylic sketches on thin cardboard

These are five painting on cardboard that I made whit red acrylic.
The drawing I did it with a red crayon.
The cardboard is smooth.
I used a large brush.
I painted these faces for an exhibition.

  • Initially I wanted to glue the cardboard on wood panels.
    But I was too afraid to ruin everything.
    These cardboards are too thin.
    So I chose some very simple frames.

  • another danger for a thin card is water.
    I used acrylic with a dry brush.
    I took care to dry the paint with a hair dryer where it was needed.

  • Finally, I set the painting with a spray acrylic.
    I think go well even hairspray.
    So I used it twice for hairdressers tools:
    before the hairdryer and then hairspray ! :)



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