Detectives Howe and Arendse character design for Crytopia comic!

Good evening, Steemit! I assure you, even with the unexpected long weekend stranded at Standing Rock, I haven't been thinking about my cryptocurrency comic, Cryptopia, any less. In fact, I had an opportunity to roll ideas and plot around with my travel mates for much of the eight hour drive back to Minneapolis. I've been developing the world, and I've already written to beats for the second issue. In addition to this, I've been toying with a few new characters. One of which could be a lot of fun. An amateur engineer/tinkerer that stumbles upon a significant zero point energy discovery, and the implications that would have on his life in this rapidly changing new world.

Two characters that I finally had a chance to sketch up are Detectives Howe and Arendse. Both characters are a big part of the first full script I released here on Steemit a few weeks ago. These men are underpaid, overworked London based detectives that are assigned an unusual, high profile murder. The case of famed Brexit advocate and politician, David Forsyth. When our detectives arrive on the scene, Mr. Forsyth's body was found in a custom made casket where he was assumably buried alive. Without further adieu, here's a look at our team.

Detectives Howe and Arendse

Basic Statistics

Age: 41 [Howe] and 39 [Arendse]

Ethnicity: British and Polish [Howe] and African [Arendse]

Hometown: London [Both]

Parents: Unknown

Children: None [Both]

Networth: $39,000 [Both]

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’10” and 6'0" [Respectively]

Weight: 189 lbs. and 201 lbs. [Respectively]

Hair Color: None and Black [Respectively]

Eye Color: Blue and Brown [Respectively]

Shape Of Face: Angular [Both]

Distinguishing Features: Detective Howe has a large frame, but looks like a football player that suffered a career ending injury in his late 20's. He's wide and stocky, but out of shape. Arendse is tall, slightly thinner and fashionable. He's well groomed and charismatic. 

How Does She Dress: Detective Howe often wears a khaki trench coat, thick wool sweaters, a beanie and a toothpick in his mouth. Detective Ardense wears a variety of 70's inspired fashions including maroon leather jackets and tight pants.

Habits: Drinking [sometimes on the job], and poor diet, often eating pub food.

Health: Both men are mentally fit and clever, but low morale in the world because of their careers'.

Favorite Saying: Unknown

Greatest Flaw: Discouraged by the world, crime and careers. They tend to see the worst in people.

Best Quality: Hardened personalities and committed to their careers.

For the time being, that's a summary of Detectives Howe and Arendse. I'm looking forward to developing these characters more as the story moves forward. I already have a big surprise in store for Detective Howe as far as his backstory is concerned. I knew detectives would be a big part of this story, but was happy with how easily both characters developed their own personalities and outlooks on the gruesome crime they're assigned to as the first issue opens.

Naturally, all artwork is done using the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, which by the way, if you're an artist or illustrator, take a moment to read this old review I did of both when I first joined Steemit. Everything still stands up and it's the greatest tool that I've found for this kind of work. Enjoy this hyperlapse drawing of the above characters as well.

I post often! Is you aren't already, please follow my blog @kommienezuspadt!

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