The Old Dog Presents: The Mundane as Art. Your Photographs of Streets!

Hey friends, great news! We now have an art exhibit consisting of your minimalism shots of roads and it's a thing of BEAUTY!!!! These road sections look so beautiful once they're framed and hung on the wall! 

Where is The Art Exhibit?

Why in cyberspace of course...... but it still looks so real and soooo good! 

Check Out How Great it Looks And Learn Who Won The 10 SBD Prize!

In my previous post on this subject "The Old Dog Presents: The Mundane as Art. Let's Create Another Gallery!" I  presented sections of roads as art and asked you to send me the exemplars that you had seen! Your response led to our beautiful exhibit at!

Here we go, our first wall of your contributions. The one in the center was sent by @dexpartacus and on either side of it we can see those contributed by @livelifefullest

These are all from @voronoi except the one with the brown stones which was taken by The Old Dog himself!

The two on the left are by @voronoi. Wow, so beautiful. To their right is a submission by one of Steemit's distinguished artists @silviabeneforti!

So With All of Those Beautiful Entries Who's The Winner?

Well I have to admit that the submissions by @dexpartacus and @silviabeneforti had me deliberating long and hard  but there was one that captured me with the texture and perspective and therefore the grand winner is: 

This submission by @voronoi dazzled both my eyes and my imagination and he is the 10 SBD winner. In fact he was so taken by the roads in Lisbon that he submitted a whole article about it. Check it out here!

Would You Like to Have a Walk Around Inside The Gallery?

Come on....let's go. I'll give you the guided tour! 

What Do You Think?

  • Are you surprised at how great the gallery looks?
  • Would you like to see more Steemit virtual galleries in the future?
  • What other mundane object would you like to see us explore as art? Please let me know

I hope that you enjoyed this article about "The Mundane as Art. Your Photographs of Streets!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


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