Draw it Better #17 Entry- Marceline the Vampire Queen

Oh boy, what a day. x_x

I spent all morning fighting with my sons father and then on the way to work my front tire blew and I was stranded on the side of the highway in -10 C weather for almost two hours while I waited for my Dad to come and save me because I didn't have a jack or a tire iron in my vehicle to change the tire myself. So needless to say, I was late for work. But I'm here now! Yaaayyy...

On the bright side I did get my entry for @sirsensei's little art contest done! Which the theme of the week was cartoon network characters so of course I was super stoked to draw something for it. And I actually remembered to save my process steps this time! So now I can properly enter.

So here is Marceline from Cartoon Network's Adventure Time! :D Love that show!


So here is the finished product! Marceline the Vampire Queen rocking out on her Axe Bass.

And here is my process:

First off, I start out with the lines. Which I drew in Clip Studio Paint because I like how they look in that program better than photoshop.

And then I lay out some flat colour, just basic shades for the skin and clothes. I also laid down the harsh shadow to give the illusion that the hat is shading her from the sun. I'm not sure if I pulled that off correctly or not. XD

And this is where I lay down the rest of the shadows and the highlights. Which all the colouring I did in photoshop because I'm not used to colouring with CSP yet. I'll get there though. I'll figure it out.

And then after that I slapped a background down on it and voila! Finished piece! XD

What do you think?

I'm hoping the rest of my day goes a little better than it has been but luckily on Thursday I'm leaving for a week long vacation! So yay!

Until next time!


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