Art Collaboration with @everlove – Shadow Integration

Without light there is no darkness; without darkness no light. As above so below - as below as it is above. The light filters down and integrates with the shadows, and stains from the wood below lift upwards.


This is a another collaboration with @everlove the original post is Shadow Mandala

I was sitting around playing with a fractal generating program while listening to a talk show. I tried all kinds of settings and zoomed in to get this fractal fish looking picture:


I liked the original random colors but wanted to make something that would fit on a more intricate background so I created an additional fractal for the background in a different program and used the colors for it in the original fractal. Combining the fractals I got this result:


Still playing with colors for the original fractal I took color values from @everloves picture but the results were looking really dark so I modified the pallet with some values that I got from searching the net for a “blue bell pallet”. That resulted in this fish looking fractal:


Combining parts of all these images with layering and masking I got the first image.

Thanks for reading and viewing. As always I value your support!

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