Scientific Glass Adventures: More Cannabis Exctracter Tubes

So I mentioned in this post that I was up early to blow glass and this was what I was making. These are just cannabis oil extractor tubes. They look simple but there are several key things that need to be right for it to work right.

For example the length and width proportions do matter. For the size of these tubes you want a pretty thin tube like shown here.

That dot on the end keeps that round thing from rolling off of tables. The nozzle end needs to be perfectly round, thick enough to support the downward pressure from the butane can. I try and test the ones I can to make sure nozzles fit during the process but that's not always easy.

And that end it needs to be flared to hold on the filter that keeps the cannabis in the tube and out of the oil. I have 15 more of these to make!

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Lily's Little Garden: Twisty Rose Bush and Flowering Purple Plant
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DIY Off Gridmex PowerWall Update: Visit to Solar our Local Solar Supply

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