ArtExplosion 16 Entry

A few paintings on the theme of Childhood.

2 Entries in week 16 ArtExplosion: one from David Heskin & one from Aloria Weaver

Entry 1:

Spark of Self Awareness by David Heskin
This painting was inspired by a friends young child as he began to cross the threshold into greater awareness of himself as an entity separate from the cosmic soup from which he had recently emerged. Simultaneously an empowering octave of evolution and a loss of original innocence, we nonetheless share this experience in our human incarnation.
Oil on Canvas


Entry 2:

Wonder by Aloria Weaver

This painting was based on a photograph of a cousin's young daughter...a priceless expression located somewhere between naïvete and mischief. A few images showing the stages of progress in the layered approach to this painting are found below.
Oil & egg tempera on panel.

Audrey.levels web lg.jpg

Work-in-progress photos:

Initial value rendering:

Warm general glaze:

Re-establishing the lights and volumes:

Atmospheric cool glaze:

...and the finished oil overpainting stage, shown once again for continuity:
Audrey.levels web lg.jpg

See our last post on Drawing as a Foundation for Painting

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