Commission Work | Mandalas Based on Your Personality!

I've officially decided to start accepting commissions. This post is to show you all what a personality-based mandala is as well as to clarify how pricing works.
I think the best approach would be in the form of a kind of FAQ - even though these questions have not really been frequently asked of me ;P (hopefully they will be in the near future!)

What is a Personality-based Mandala?

It's a custom-made mandala meant to represent your very essence! ;) ... How it works is, you provide me with a few details... Colours, shapes, textures... Perhaps a few concept keywords, for example "strength", "dancer", "nature", etc ... And you also provide me with a paragraph or two describing yourself... The way you see yourself, and the way you think others see you. You can even ask a friend who you think knows you best to write to me, describing you. I will then use all this information to create a mandala representing you, a process which takes a few steps.

What are the steps of the process?

It's quite simple:

  • After getting all the information from you, I use it and take some time to do 3 initial renditions.
  • I send these to you and you choose the one you like best.
  • I then take that one, and work on it further, making changes based on your feedback. I then send another 3 renditions for your appraisal.
  • And so on. The image you see below went through 18 different renders before my patron was 100% happy with it.
  • Once it is ready, you decide if you want it printed by me and shipped to you, or if you'd rather have it printed yourself. This greatly affects the price.

How much would it cost?

(Yes, I accept STEEM and Bitcoin!)
I am 100% transparent in the way I price my work:

The base amount is how much it costs me to print the piece. There are two main types of paper I like to use, both made by Canson, a pioneer in the industry for over 450 years. For more information about the quality of this paper, see my Buy page on my website.

  • The matte photographic paper of Canson's Imaging range is $90 per square meter.
  • The Rag Photographique (part of Canson's Infinity range) is $150 per square meter.

So, for example, if you wanted your mandala to be 20" x 20" (roughly half a metre by half a metre) on the Rag Photographique, then my printing cost would be $37.50

Then, there is my price, above printing costs:

With motifs, I work at $0.2 per square inch, so using the above example, 400 x 0.2 = $80

So in total, a mandala at 20" x 20" will cost $117.50 (not including shipping, which, for this size, would be about $25)

However, if you opt for printing it yourself, I will send you the original digital file (TIFF format), and you would pay only my price, with a 20% discount (in the example case, $64).

(The reason for the discount is because printing it is not only about the cost of paper/ink, but also the effort I have to make travelling to my printer, as well as getting it packaged and shipped to you).

What about a guarantee of quality/authenticity?

Glad you asked! ;)

Every piece will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, signed by both myself and the printer (as seen above). The certificate will include particulars about the type of paper, printer and ink used, as well as a statement saying that only one print will ever be made.

In fact, if you request it, I will delete the original file upon your receiving the artwork. In this way, you can be sure that it is impossible for another print to be made, making yours the only one in existence.

Of course, you must remember that this means that if your artwork is accidentally damaged or destroyed, there will be no way of reproducing it.

(Also, note that if you opt for printing the piece yourself, I cannot provide the certificate.)

Other types of mandalas?

Of course, it might be that you don't want a mandala based on your personality... Maybe it's someone's birthday soon and you'd like to gift them with a mandala based on their personality...

Or let's say you don't want a personality in it at all... Perhaps you want a mandala representing the cycle of birth and death? ... Or a "tree" mandala. Or something more bizarre and abstract?

Whatever your ideas, I'm listening =) Let's create something awesome together.

Thank you for your upvote 💖
I appreciate it more than can be expressed in one line at the end of a post.

A few recent posts of mine:
"Lux Ornatia" - Your Own Personal Mandala | "Meeting Her - Poems, 008" | "Cradle" - Gallery: Fine Art
If you'd like to support me further, or follow me elsewhere, I'm on these social media:
Patreon | Instagram | Facebook
My Bitcoin wallet address:


All Images Copyright @mandelsage, All Rights Reserved.

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