"Galaximile" | Gallery: Motifs (inspired by movie "Interstellar")

This was part of the few I did while trying to keep up with Inktober last year.
I didn't keep up, but for nine days, I proved to myself that I could make one piece of art, even if they were only motifs, once a day if I put my mind to it...
For this one, I remember thinking, when trying to get myself inspired, to try make something based off of the movie Interstellar, which I had seen recently.


Gallery: Motifs
Max. Print Size: 28" x 28"

“I subscribe to the anthropic principle: there are an infinite number of infinite universes, each with slightly different physical laws.
Only some of them have the right parameters, such as gravity the right strength to allow stars to be born and live long. Where the charge on the electron is right to allow complex molecules to form, etc.
Ours is one that allows intelligent life to form, so that the universe may wonder at itself. We are the universe, in wonder of itself."

-- William Donelson

The Creation Process:

Sadly, I didn't save any progress screenshots... So instead, I opened up the parameters in JWildFire and just fiddled with them a bit to show how it could have possibly formed. Remember, this was part of inktober, so I was rushed:

And now that I have done some tweaking, I feel like I could possibly make something much better with these formulae. Watch this space =)

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A few recent posts of mine:
Let's Talk! Video - Human Connection on Steemit - A Personal Appeal | "Rockflake" - Gallery: Motifs | "Eclipse Mélange" - Gallery: Fine Art
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