"Geolastrae 02 - Borg Scout" | Gallery: Designs

In all forms of art, sometimes happy accidents occur and you make something truly awesome. This was the case here =)
I was playing around with formulae from "Geolastrae 01" and discovered no less than a Borg Scoutship! (That would be the Borg from the Star Trek universe, for those uneducated among you 😋)

As with my most recent posts, I'll show you a bit of the creation process below.

Geolastrae 02 - Borg Scout

Gallery: Designs
Max. Print Size: 32" x 24"
Art by Jody V. Lawrence_aka_Mandelsage

❝We are the Borg.
Lower your shields and surrender your ships.
We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to service us.
Resistance is futile.❞

How was it done?

Though I'm showing it first here, I usually do the background last. It's the fun, cherry-on-the-top part of the process...

And as I had a borg ship to work with, it was extra fun to load up some old starry sky parameters as seen below. I first played around with colour gradients, then started swapping one formulae for another in experimentation...:

The borg ship itself started as a blocky mass (after having swapped one formula for another from Geolastrae 01)... And the idea of a borg-anything only came to me when I added the mazey heightmap. Then just some parameter tweaks got it looking nice and borg-y:

But what I knew was really going to add some magic was a mysterious blue light being generated from the center of the ship...

MB3D has a volumetric light feature which I don't use often enough... The tricky bit was getting the background behind the semi-transparent light! :

And that's how it was done 😎 ... This combo of formulae is still full of potential and I'll be returning to it to create more "Geolastrae" in the future... (Which is why it is in the "Design" gallery).

Thank you for your upvote 💖
I appreciate it more than can be expressed in one line at the end of a post.

A few recent posts of mine:
"Girls" - Poems, 005 | A Gift for My Brothers - Science Meets Art | "The Woman Who Moved" - Collaborative Writing Project
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