Pharaoh Flake - Gallery: Motifs

The Egyptian Gods and Egyptian culture were a thing I was really into as a child.
This week, as I was looking for unique shapes for our Monday Mandala, one particular shape reminded me of the double crown of ancient Upper and Lower Egypt. Also, the top of the crown kinda also looks like a mummy pharaoh head wearing a crown, hehe. See images below to see what I mean.
So then, I went with the classic Egyptian colours of royal blue and gold.

Pharaoh Flake

Gallery: Motifs
Max. Print Size: 28" x 28"

“What I hate is ignorance, smallness of imagination, the eye that sees no farther than its own lashes. All things are possible… Who you are is limited only by who you think you are.”

-- Egyptian Book of The Dead

Here are the patterns that I was referring to above:

Proof of work:

And here, as always, is the proof that it is my own, original work:

The process, much simplified, from small basic shapes to full on mandala:

And as this is a 7000 by 7000 pixel image, it is worth seeing some of the beautiful details:

I enjoyed making this one SO much. The colours spoke to me, the shapes flowed easily into the final idea in my mind... Thing is, quite often, it can be a frustrating process to create these, as you've often hear me complain about in previous posts ;P ... But not this one! It was a pleasure to make, from start to finish =)

Remember that all my designs are for sale. See for details ;) ... And I am open to doing commissions too!

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A few recent posts of mine:
Steemit Engagement - Video Comments! | "That Is The Question" - Gallery: Fine Art | "Wine Lily" - Gallery: Motifs
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