The Scorpion's Song - original artwork and poem by @mariandavp

The Scorpion’s Song

You run down my road,
You know no limits.
Everything changes
I’m counting minutes.
I ask

Do you want me?

You tell me you’re scared
Your voice is a knife
And I won’t be spared.
I’d shout I’ll leave you!
But I know you won’t turn.
What once was a diamond
Is now just a man.

Sometimes he’s a scorpion,
He bites
No regrets
I hope you like poison;
That's as good as he gets.

Naked and cold,
I fall to the floor.
Happy and full,
You’ll head to the door.

Don’t cry... I’ll be back!
You sing as you leave
Two scars on my body
Forever to bleed.

This is my third post on my art representations of women in anticipation, a series of paintings that were sold out. This painting is also a self portrait, made with acrylics on canvas (60x80cm) and was sold to a private collector

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