/ Short film ''The Haulier''/ Exclusive on Steemit

This is a short film from my second year of college, and it's maybe my favorite film I did at the Film Academy.
It's not anywhere on the internet, so I wanted to share with you guys a link to Vimeo (with password)
I uploaded it today.
But, first thing first, here is the short synopsis of the film:

''The Haulier'' is based on a model of Charon, the carrier of Greek mythology who ferried the dead to the gates of Hades. The haulier is benign and problematic old man who drives an old Volvo, loves movies and his best friend and companion is turtle Flash.

Nevena  & I had an awesome time writing the screenplay :)
She is also here on steemit so check her out @geeseinthegarden


Shooting of this film was a challenge, to say the least, we didn't have any money, and we needed an old Volvo,
so we somehow found this crazy guy, who gave us the car for free and I gave him my fathers car for a week so he could drive something while we were shooting.
The car didn't had any seat belts, but he said that was legal, because back in the 50's thats how they made them.
Everything in that car was alien to us, so it was hell until we figured out how to drive it.

So, we packed our stuff and off we go to the first day of shooting! :)

(this is Uroš, director of photography)

First two days we were shooting in a no-mans-land road between two villages, where there was almost no existing traffic. It was the middle of the summer, hot as hell, no shade-shelter anywhere, we had burn marks all over our bodies.

The next two days were more relaxed, because we were shooting inside a studio with green screen.
We wanted for the scenes that are shot inside the car to like the films from the 50's (with front and back projections)

Here are some screenshots from the film:

This is just a glimpse into the shooting, it's a too long of a story to write it all down,
here is the link to the film, hope you enjoy it!

password: thehaulier

Cast: Ivica Klemenc, Andrija Dačić, Vladimir Tešović, Zoran Ćosić, Rade Marković, Katica Jovanov
Director: Marina Uzelac
Screenplay: Marina Uzelac, Nevena Stanić
Director of photography: Uroš Milutinović
Editing: Milorad Ćitić
Sound: Branislav Gelevski
Production Design: Milena Đokić

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