Cryptopaintings: an experimental and interactive game

I've been thinking about a system/game/interactive play – combining my paintings with the dynamics of cryptocurrencies. I'm still not completely sure how or even if this will work, but after some weeks of thinking, I'd like to try it out anyway and see what happens.

Here are the basics of the interactive game you can play along right here and only on the Steem-blockchain!

These are four paintings of mine, and I'm bringing them to my virtual painto-crypto-exchange: MARTY-ARTXCHANGE:

Droopy, the Unstoppable but Apologetic Vampire, from now on known by his abbreviation DRP:

Ida Livingstone, now represented by the abbreviation ILS:

Niflheim, now known as the crypto-painting with the... eh... abbreviation NIFLHEIM (it's just a way too cool word to abbreviate, right?)

and Arlington, the Awesome Alchemist, now aptly known as AAA:

So, how do we play this game?

I have all these paintings available, so with this game I'm bringing them to the market in a fun, unique and playful way.

First of all: the total worth of every one of these paintings could be expressed as their respective Market Cap. As they are already of value (they're unique paintings, oils on canvas), these are the respective Market Caps:

DRP: $ 500 (original size: 40x60cm)

ILS: $ 250 (original size: 30x40cm)

NIFLHEIM: $ 195 (original size: 24x30cm)

AAA: $ 95 (original size: 13x18cm)

But, and this is the fun part: their Market Caps and value are subject to the whims of the market and the traders, playing this game, and every 24 hours, their values will be adjusted, in this fashion.

  • Every painting is linked to a random cryptocoin. Every 24 hours, I will check, and adjust every painting to its respective coin's change in value.

    • So for instance, if DRP is linked to, say, DASH, and DASH went up by 1.15%, then DRP will go up by 1.15% in value.
  • If you upvote the daily post, it would be like supporting all four of them, making them more attrictive to be bought (in real life), so all four paintings' value would go down in price.

    • For instance, if you upvote by $0.10, all paintings values go down by $0.025
  • If you upvote the post and mention a particular cryptopainting in a comment, only that particular paintings value goes down, and the rest goes up a bit, respectively.

    • For instance, you upvote the post with $0.10 and comment "ILS", _ILS goes down by $0.10, the three others go up by $0.033.
  • A third possibility to influence the market: if you just write a comment about a painting in particular, that will cause the price of that painting to go up or down, according to my interpretation of your comment. If I feel your comment adds value, its price goes down (making it more interesting for the market to buy it); if I feel it doesn't add value, its price goes up (making it more interesting for me to keep it).

    • For instance: if you write "DRP is the awesomest painting I've seen in my life!", the painting DRP may go down in value 7.77% - making it more attractive to buy. If you write "DRP isn't a very inspired painting", I would be more inclined to keep it off the market and thus make the painting DRP go up in value by, say, 6.66%

One more chaotic thinghy you can do before the really interesting part comes:

As always, there is a list. This time, it contains random words which will trigger random events to occur, that will have an influence on the price of either one particular, or all four paintings. It may be a trivial event (e.g. NIFLHEIM goes up by 11.11%) or it may be a major event (e.g. crypto-painto has ran out of Titanium White! All four paintings go down in value by 6.66%!)

Now, the really interesting part for you, the players, the stakeholders, the possible owners of any one painting:

Every upvote you give, gives you a number of shares in the ownership of the paintings.

If you just upvote the post, your share will be divided among all 4 paintings. If you upvote and mention a painting in the comments, your share goes only to that particular painting.

Say you upvote the post and mention DRP in the comments. If your upvote is worth $0.10, then you have $0.10 worth of DRP. If you do so the next day, your share in DRP increases to $0.20. And so on. All the while making the price/value of DRP go down in the process (that is, if you're the only player, things will be way more chaotic than this. At least, I hope!)

Now for the ultra sweet part on your behalf! In the beginning, as the painter, I own 100% shares of every painting. But when any player has 66.6% of worth in any painting (because of upvotes, comments, market fluctuation), he or she can claim the painting! I will take it off the market and send the original, physical painting to the rightful owner of at least 66.6%. It will be yours, bragging rights will be yours and I will put up a new cryptopainting online.

Keep in mind, I'm a painter, not a programmer. But I find these dynamics very fascinating. If some figures are off, or I miss a day, don't blame me: I have a life, a wife and kids. Consider this an experimental game. The interaction is what makes it fun, so let's make it fun! The rules may at any time be adjusted, broken, fixed again, dropped or changed at my will, and by your suggestions, so do let me know! Have fun, let's see how this crypto-painto-game turns out.

The aim is to post an update with the new value of all paintings and with all the shares owned by the upvoters, every day around 10pm Brussels-timezone. I'm trying this out for a week, and we'll see how this weird thing turns out!

If anything is unclear about this game, its dynamics or the paintings, drop a comment, I'll be happy to respond!

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