šŸ”µ Be creative with your kids - simple paper press

Hello Steemians, here I come with another creative tutorial. If you like linocut or other press techniques, maybe you will find interesting also this one. It is easier and cheaper. You do not need lino block, wood or some other expensive media, just paper.


One of my students really love to draw dinosaurs, so I told myself it would be great to come up with some idea he would enjoy. I have seen this technique years ago, so I wanted to try it.

You will need:

  • hard white papers
  • pencil
  • roller and pad
  • glue
  • scissors
  • press paint

The process

We will press everything up. White areas will be just parts where the gaps are - around edges. The whole work will be in white.

šŸ”µ First think about the enviroment and choose a dinousaur you want. Draw it on a paper and cut it out. You need only outside lines. All details inside will be made of paper.

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šŸ”µ We will start from the background. You can simply cut the hills behind from another paper. Now you can make some distant objects like trees, smaller hils, river and so on. Those paper parts will be mostly long and low. When you will come closer to the edge, objects will be higher. Think about the place where your dinosaur will stand.

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šŸ”µ You can make also some trees which will be the closer objects, so there can be just their phylums visible. It is mostly about structure. Think about shapes and decorations which will be interesting after paint cover.

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šŸ”µ The more details you have the more beautiful your artwork will be. They dont have to be realistic. You can adjust all shapes and forms.

After finishing the first part you can prepare your roller and the paint. I used two colors, you can try even more. Just put some paint on a glass sheet, or some other pad and spread it on your piece.

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This part is the most interesting, because it is so fast and surprising. Kids enjoy it the most, because after few seconds their white paper gets shiny colors in simple way.


Here are some of the works my students made

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2018-02-09 (6).png

I hope you were inspired and also learned something new :)


Thanks for watching!


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